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 Joel's Birthday

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Pierre, zfsf
7 posters
Spyz incredible Drums on S I N - 6 - HMSBTP

Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2005-12-22

Joel's Birthday Empty
PostSubject: Joel's Birthday   Joel's Birthday EmptyFri 13 Apr - 12:04

Hi Everyone,

I have come to that point in my life where most people would tell me it's time to retire, enjoy life and to stop and smell the flowers.

Yes...I'm turning the big 40 this weekend.

As I have always enjoyed life, but I'm not ready to retire from doing anything that I've done over the past 40 years.

My wife is planning a small party here at our house in Cali with close friends and family. It will be a day of good BBQ, reflection and jumping into the pool naked.

To Jimi, Rick and Jeff: You guys will be in my thoughts this weekend. I wish you didn't live 3000 miles away so you could all be part of the mayhem which will unfold starting late tonight and will continue on until Sunday at some point. You guys made many of my dreams come true as friends and as musicians. We made some great music together. I miss you guys so much!

Much Peace, Love and respect to all the friends and fans that have been in the Spyz posse over the past 20 years and still continue to email me to this day. You guys rock!

Take Care,
Joel Maitoza
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Absolute Fanatic

Number of posts : 60
Localisation : Toronto, Canada
Registration date : 2005-11-29

Joel's Birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joel's Birthday   Joel's Birthday EmptyFri 13 Apr - 21:43

Congrats Joel!

I hope you have a great one man.

I'll be crossing that bridge myself later on this year...

Very Happy Joel's Birthday Hms4life

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Pierre, zfsf
can sell his body for a new spyz album
Pierre, zfsf

Number of posts : 230
Localisation : France
Registration date : 2005-11-26

Joel's Birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joel's Birthday   Joel's Birthday EmptyFri 13 Apr - 23:25

Happy Birthday Joel, also thanks for the great job you did with Jimi Rick and Jeff, for being a part of the history of the band, have a nice party !!!
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Kike Gimeno
24-7 Spainiac
Kike Gimeno

Number of posts : 191
Localisation : SPAIN
Registration date : 2005-11-28

Joel's Birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joel's Birthday   Joel's Birthday EmptySat 14 Apr - 1:37

Happy birthday Joe!! Have a great day and a funny party.
Thanks for your years and music with the Spyz, it´s agreeable to see that you still have good vibes and frienship with your old bandmates through the years.
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Jimi Hazel
Special Sepia Guest Star
Jimi Hazel

Number of posts : 260
Age : 60
Localisation : The Boogie Down Bronx!
Registration date : 2005-11-28

Joel's Birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joel's Birthday   Joel's Birthday EmptySat 14 Apr - 7:37

Happy Birthday Joel! Believe me when I say that 40 is no big deal cause 40 is the new 20! Twisted Evil Keep rocking the Jetson shorts and you'll be forever young! Have a great day & one hell of a blast! I'm there even if I ain't....Peace & Love 2 ya! flower Joel's Birthday Lovemuch
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Super Fan

Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2005-12-09

Joel's Birthday Empty
PostSubject: A Class Act!   Joel's Birthday EmptySat 14 Apr - 10:50

Glad to hear that all is well with you Joel! You played on some of my all time favorite Spyz tunes. I think my favorite tune with you was Purple. Damn you tore that up!
And hey joel, 40? Come on man...retire?! lol! Joel's Birthday Areunut2 40 is nothing! When you hit 80, then start contemplating retirement. Let Yo Fancy Flow & Happy Birthday!!!

Cliff Joel's Birthday Hms4life
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le canard fou
Ze only Duck who listen 24-7 Spyz
le canard fou

Number of posts : 120
Age : 52
Localisation : Paris
Registration date : 2005-12-13

Joel's Birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joel's Birthday   Joel's Birthday EmptySun 15 Apr - 4:31

Happy birthday from ze duck's comunity!
Every duck of my friends wish you a happy new twenty years!!
you can watch the flowers grow up flower when you'll have one more time 20 year's old , because whatever you hope to do else now, "very good drummer one day: very good drummer forever!" ( and it's the same when you're a 24/7 spyz!! or a crazy duck or a desert island coconut, or a ...When it's good it's forever)
Excluding jokes U made me ear the drums like no one before !! Thanx for that! Joel's Birthday Lovemuch Joel's Birthday Lovemuch good work for a little white man lol! (can't stop joking ,sorry)

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